Get lost in a story
I started a book club about 8 years ago, its always been a very casual meet up, there's no structure or direct questioning and no pressure if you haven't finished the book in time. We just choose a book, meet up and have a chat in the pub every 5 weeks or so (and we don't just chat about the book). Usually depending on how good the book is or what it is about will depend on how long we spend discussing it. We started off with a surprisingly high number of regulars sometimes up to 15 eager readers, but over the years people have left us all for very good reasons, they have moved away or their life has changed in a way that it isn't possible to fit in anymore. We currently have between 3 and 5 regular members, my staples being Charlotte and Neil.
I wanted to throw this out to anyone and everyone to consider. I am surprised how many people say to me "oh you're reading a book, I don't get time to read", like this is a luxury that only I can afford. This blog is not about making people feel guilty for not reading or to cause offence to people who have said this. It is about taking a moment to think about whether or not you want to fit reading into your lifestyle. Do you actually love to read? If not then you don't need to or have to and don't feel guilty about it. But if you used to love reading and you miss it, then maybe do some more of what you love!
Personally I think its about choices. We all have busy lives, whether you have kids or you don't, whether you work full time or part time. It is usually rare for any of us to consider ourselves with time on our hands. But there are more moments than you might think that subconsciously you make a decision to do something other than read. TV and phones. I'm guilty as charged. I have gone from someone who was way behind in the phone tech department to being someone who massively procrastinates on my phone. Writing this now I am thinking of hours of scrolling through social media or 'window shopping'. Maybe I could read my book for some of that time...
In the evenings when Oliver has finally gone to sleep more times than not we plonk ourselves in front of the television. Its hard to make another choice sometimes as we are both tired and its easy. We also very much enjoy watching TV series and films! Sometimes it will take one of us to make the decision to do something else and then the other person might too. For example Jay might decide to practice piano for an hour so I think oh well i'll get my book out then. If you watch hours of TV then you definitely do have time to read, you are just making a different choice (and there is nothing wrong with that if you enjoy it).
My favourite way to fit in some reading time is a bath. When Oliver was a baby I felt like I never had time to myself. I also found that my brain never ever switched off (it still struggles with this). But I found that reading is one way to truly get away from your every day thoughts. You can immerse yourself in what you are reading, you have to concentrate on something other than your life worries whatever they may be. So when Oliver was a baby I started scheduling in a bath night. Tuesday night every week, I'm having a bath. 1 hour of peace. Now I don't schedule my baths but I've started to take them more often. If i'm lucky enough to have some free time (thank goodness for grandparents) I have a bath. If its the weekend and we are all home, I'm going to take an hour for myself. Its relaxing and you can slow down. Of course I have had baths where Oliver walks in, has a chat, has a poo, asks me why I have so much water in my bath? Why are there so many bubbles? Can I get in? Do you want some toys? But mostly they are relaxing...when he's not there or Jay is keeping him hostage downstairs. 2 baths a week, 2 hours reading...
Before I had Oliver i imagined myself curled up with a book as he slept, then I had a baby who didn't nap. The 15 minutes he eventually slept for after a huge amount of effort on my part to get him there involved gulping down a drink and praying he didn't start crying already. But he did used to fall asleep in the car on long journeys. He wasn't a baby you could move when he was asleep, he'd just wake up so I spent alot of time sitting in the car on my maternity leave! If I remembered I'd shove my book in my bag in the hope that he'd drop off just before we got home and I'd sit in the car outside my house and read my book.
If you work, I hope you have a lunch break. I work 2 days a week and my lunch break is 45 mins. After faffing about getting back to my office, sorting out my food I can get about half hours reading in. Sometimes if I really want to read I'll go in the other room from my colleagues so I'm not distracted. If I can't be arsed to read I'l sit and chat to my colleagues, it's a choice.
If you commute by public transport, that's perfect for reading. One of my two days I have about an hour on the bus, my nose is stuck in my book!
Oliver goes to gymnastics once a week for an hour and I watch from the balcony. I love watching him but after 5 months I know half of it is repetitive and stretching so I now try to read a bit in-between having a look at what he's up to. One of the other mums yesterday sparked the idea of writing this blog as she said the exact quote above to me as I got my book out and I thought, you could be reading now?
We welcome anyone to our book club, it really is just an incentive to read and a chance to socialise. If you are interested in joining us then please let me know. I hope this might have inspired at least one person who loved to read to pick up a book again and fit in that few minutes here and there to get lost in a story instead of your own thoughts.
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